Thanksgiving Recipes Your Kids Will Actually Eat

Let’s face it; young children don’t embrace Thanksgiving the same way they do Christmas. Turkey Day means less candy and more relatives looking to pinch cheeks–not exactly what most children would consider components of an ideal day. Still, since your offspring (and those of your siblings) are part of the family, it would behoove you to make a few dishes that cater to young taste buds. The following recipes are kid-friendly and don’t take much time to prepare. In addition, if you are super accommodating (like my mom) you may consider going above and beyond the call of duty by … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes from A to Z

Tis the season to retreat to the kitchen to prepare warm comfort foods. Think hearty stews, soups, pumpkins, squash, turkey and other fall favorites. In an effort to encourage you to make the most of this season’s spectacular harvest I’ve compiled a collection of autumn recipes from A to Z featuring some of fall’s most popular ingredients. Whether you are cooking for two or two-dozen, the following quick and easy recipes will help make the most of fall’s bounty from apples to zucchini. Autumn Recipes: A is for Apple— DOUBLE APPLE DESSERT SALAD and WILD RICE AND APPLE SALAD. Autumn … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes: Z is for Zucchini

We made it. It took nearly a month, but today marks the last entry in our Autumn Recipes A-Z series. Hopefully, you’ve added a few new seasonal recipes to your fall repertoire and in the process you’ve been inspired to experiment with dishes that wouldn’t typically find their place on your dining room table. Today, we’re focusing on another seasonal ingredient: zucchini. The versatile, green vegetable (technically, part of the gourd family) can be added to both savory and sweet dishes. My favorite zucchini recipe comes courtesy of Food Network’s Paula Deen (no surprise). Her Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread is … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes: Y is for Yams

Yams (or sweet potatoes) are extremely popular this time of year. While there are countless recipes for savory dishes that feature the seasonal ingredient I tend to stick with sweeter yam dishes since they are embraced more heartily by my pint-sized picky eater. My daughter’s favorite yam dish is very simple. I just drizzle fresh yams with maple syrup, and then I add some nutmeg and cinnamon, and bake them with butter. It’s delicious… as are the following recipes for other sweet yam dishes that can be served up at holiday get-togethers. YAM AND PUMPKIN PANCAKES Ingredients: 1 cup flour … Continue reading