My Love of Meatloaf

My dad makes a killer meatloaf. When he pulls it out of the oven it’s not swimming in oil nor is it dehydrated and crusty like decade-old fruitcake. Rather, it’s a perfectly juicy blend of meat and spices glistening with a glaze of his secret tomato sauce. I left home after graduating from high school and have never been able to find a recipe that came anywhere close to my dad’s famous meatloaf. Boston Market’s meatloaf is quite tasty, as is the version served at The Machine Shed, but they don’t include all of the extras my dad puts in … Continue reading

Bringing Home the Bacon

If you not only bring home the bacon, but also are responsible for cooking it up, then you might find the following recipes quite helpful. One Christmas my dad was gifted with 15 pounds of fresh bacon as a thank you from a guy he helped at the office. For weeks we ate bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Once the pig product was gone I took a break from bacon… for about 12 years. I’m not kidding. I swore off bacon until well after I graduated from college. To this day I rarely, if ever, eat bacon. However, that … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes: Apple and Cranberry Meatloaf

Meatloaf is my friend. If you parent a picky eater then you can surely relate. Meatloaf can disguise a multitude of ingredients that less than adventurous eaters wouldn’t typically touch with a 10-foot pole. Personally, I look at meatloaf like a sponge. It happily absorbs just about any ingredient and dulls its flavors enough so that you know you are eating something other than meat, but you can’t always identify exactly what that “other” item might be. Which makes it the ideal vehicle to sneak in fruits and vegetables your kids might not normally eat without bribes of chocolate chip … Continue reading

Holiday Weekend Cookout: Hawaiian Hamburgers and Bacon in the Middle Burgers

For many families the upcoming Labor Day holiday weekend marks the last major BBQ of the summer season. If this is the case for your clan consider hosting more than just a traditional weenie roast. The following recipes are easy to prepare but pack a real punch in the flavor department. They are both kicked up versions of the traditional hamburger, but instead of the standard meat, bun, ketchup and mustard these patties are loaded with the taste of the Hawaiian Islands and bacon and Colby-Jack cheese respectively. Take a look: MINI HAWAIIAN BURGERS Ingredients: 1 pound ground beef chuck … Continue reading

Shakin’ & Bakin’ with Bacon

When Oscar Mayer introduced its Ready to Serve bacon a few years back you could have gotten a sunburn from the megawatt smile my bacon loving mom flashed each time she picked up a package from the grocery store. Heck, if it were not for my mom’s obsession with bacon my preschooler wouldn’t be walking around telling people that her grandma puts bagels on her salad. (She means Bac-Os.) With the weekend fast approaching I’m sure home cooks the world over are planning to fry up a pretty pound of the pork product to go along with their pancakes and … Continue reading

Fourth of July Grill Fest-—Smoking Hot Jalapeno and Mozzarella Cheeseburgers

What’s more American than a barbeque on the Fourth of July? Whether your grilling up hamburgers, hot dogs, steaks or seafood there’s nothing quite like gathering around a picnic table and eating off red, white and blue paper plates to get you into the spirit of Independence Day. This year our country celebrates 232 years of pride and glory. The cheeseburger hasn’t been around quite as long, yet people are constantly trying to update it by adding unique ingredients and tooling with the basic recipe. The following recipes are ones that add a clever twist to the old favorite. The … Continue reading

Bacon Double Cheeseburger Meatloaf

Who says you have to go to a fast food drive-thru to get a mouth-watering bacon double cheeseburger? Actually, my 3-year-old can’t stand hamburger buns, which is why this recipe is so popular in my home. As you can tell by the title this is a recipe for meatloaf, not cheeseburgers, but you could easily place a couple slices on a bun and have a burger that would rival the ones sold at Wendy’s. Besides the incredible flavor and untraditional ingredients (you don’t find many meatloaf recipes that call for bacon) this dish is also family-friendly in that it doesn’t … Continue reading

Autumn Recipes: C is for Comfort Food

Fall’s cooler weather makes piping hot, down home comfort food taste that much better. When I think of comfort food thoughts of my grandfather’s famous pot roast and my dad’s incredible meatloaf and my grandmother’s warm potato salad (featuring chunks of fall apples and thick smoky bacon) come to mind. Both take prep time that you might not have on a busy weeknight, but on a late Sunday afternoon when a stiff wind is blowing leaves across your yard a hot homemade meal is the perfect way to embrace the season. OLD FASHION MEATLOAF Ingredients: 1 cup of finely chopped … Continue reading

Grilled Favorites: Patty Melts with a Twist and Zesty Italian Burgers

The Labor Day holiday weekend is right around the corner and there’s nothing like a big BBQ to say so long to summer. However, some cash strapped families feeling the pinch from high food prices and even higher gas prices might be tempted to cancel their picnic plans. Don’t throw in the towel on your holiday grilling plans until you read the following recipes. Not only are they affordable, but they also feature basic ingredients that the entire family will enjoy. (Believe me; I know there’s nothing more frustrating than seeing good meals go to waste because your kids are … Continue reading

No More Boring Burgers

Forget about the ho-hum burgers you typically throw on the grill during your summer BBQs. The following recipes provide you with simple ways you can kick up your next burger bonanza with mouthwatering versions of the summertime classic. The first burger features prepared polenta and a host of other tantalizing fresh ingredients such as basil, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese to create a hearty layer of flavors typically found in Caprese salad. The second recipe honors south of the border roots by featuring a cheese blend normally reserved for tacos and other Mexican-themed dishes. Cumin and fresh tomatoes round out the … Continue reading