The Basic Pantry List

What should you have in your pantry to be prepared? Having a number of basic items in your pantry can mean the difference between eating and not eating in the event that a disaster or hard time strike your family. These basic items can be combined into many different meals, so you should always have them on hand. Here are just some reasons why having an emergency pantry could come in handy. If you lose your employment and have to make do on a limited or absent income If there is a disruption in the supply chain that makes getting … Continue reading

Basic Pantry List

Here is a list of the basic staple food items that you should have in your pantry. With these basics, you can create thousands of dishes, many at just a moment’s notice. By stocking staples, you can save money and ensure that you can create those quick nutritious meals. Because I like to be organized in the kitchen, and because so many of you have requested a pantry list, I decided to put one together this morning. This list is based on the minimum basics that I like to keep on hand. Don’t be afraid to add your own favorites … Continue reading

Moving Checklist Continued

Congratulations on your move! We are counting down all of the thing you need to do before the big day. If you missed the earlier article, click here: Moving Checklist. We started out preparing at six weeks before the move, now we are down to the wire. Here is the rest of the list. 2 weeks before the move Clean out your pantry. Plan out using items from your pantry to make your meals for the next two weeks. Separate out any food items that you won’t be using and consider donating them to a food bank or giving them … Continue reading

Cooking by Numbers Makes Pantry Shopping Easy!

Imagine being snowed in and not knowing what to cook? This great resource makes it easy to just whip something together from items in your pantry. If you have been following my blog, you know that I have been trying to use up some of my food stockpile before I move. I have been doing this through a self-imposed pantry challenge, well, one of my good friends, Kelly, who has been reading my blogs has just alerted me to a great website that will make my life a lot easier, when it comes to pulling ingredients from my pantry. The … Continue reading

Pantry Challenge: Making My Own Boxed Bake

Today is day three of my self-imposed pantry challenge. I must use up items in my pantry, refrigerator and freezer for meals and not shop at the store for anything but milk. I might add eggs to my allowable list, but I haven’t caved, yet. To learn more about what a pantry challenge is, click here. Yesterday’s lasagna meal turned out wonderfully. My picky two-year-old ate four helpings. Yup four. Plus she finished her salad and had a serving of ice cream from the freezer. I don’t know where she put it all. Andrew left a little bit on his … Continue reading

How to Store Your Pantry Meals

If you have decided that pantry cooking food storage is a good option for you, you may really love this method for storing your “pantry meals.” Even if you do a different type of food storage, you may like to adapt this method of storage to the foods that you have. If you store your food by individual ingredients (like putting all of your jars of peanut butter in one place) you will have a few difficulties. First, you will have to keep a meticulous inventory of how many of each item you currently have. This requires a great deal … Continue reading

What is Pantry Cooking?

There will likely be times in most of our lives when we have some type of financial, natural, or other type of emergency where it will be helpful to have some emergency food on hand. In these times, will we know what to do with cans and cans of wheat, rice, and beans? If the idea of making cheese and sour cream from powdered milk sounds way out of your realm of comfort, you might like to look at a different method for storing food known to some as pantry cooking food storage. Put loosely, pantry cooking is preparing meals … Continue reading

You Got a Food Deal Where? Unexpected Places to Save Money on Groceries

I’m a pretty boring person when it comes to grocery shopping these days. I usually only shop at one grocery store per week, although it isn’t always the same one. Some weeks I don’t go to the grocery store at all, choosing instead to stock up on grocery deals in unusual places. Knowing where to go to get certain items can help you decrease your food budget. Check out the following unexpected places to save money on groceries. Dollar Stores If you haven’t been to a dollar store lately, you may be in for a surprise. Many dollar stores now … Continue reading

The Easy Way to Cook from Scratch

Cooking from scratch is a great way to reduce your overall food bill. Eating out can cost three or four times as much as cooking at home, on average. Faced with the reality of the savings, why don’t we all cook more and eat out less? Well, one of the main reasons is that the idea of cooking every meal at home when our lives are so busy can seem daunting. Guess what, though? Eating at home can actually be less time consuming than going out in many cases. Plus, if you follow the following advice, you will see that … Continue reading

Letting Your House Go

Are you a busy mom? I know…that’s an oxymoron. What mom isn’t busy? Just thinking about this upcoming week has my head spinning. A full workload, preparing paperwork and other documents for my son’s leave for basic training, finishing touches on a creative writing class I will be teaching for a week, professional pictures being taken, a going away party for my son, appointment with the recruiter and well, you get the picture. Although the details are probably different, I would guess you have a lengthy list as well. So when we have days, weeks or even months where it … Continue reading