Green Tortilla Soup–YUM

I’ve been in a soup mood for the past few weeks. It’s partially because my family has been passing a cold around for about a month. It’s also because the temperatures have finally cooled off in Southern California, and nothing warms the stomach better than a delicious bowl of homemade soup. I saw this recipe today and had to share it with you. It combines two of my favorite things–soup and Mexican food–and turns them into a delicious recipe everyone will love. And the best thing is that this recipe is thick, like a stew or a chili even, making … Continue reading

Using Herbs

If you received an herb garden this year for Christmas, you are probably thinking, “Why would I want a Herb Garden”. If you don’t use fresh herbs very often, you may not know which herbs are best in certain foods. Our local store does not sell fresh herbs and I don’t get to go to the major store but about once a month. Sometimes I forget to buy them. So, I like my herb garden. I always have dried herbs on hand too, but when you smell the aroma coming from fresh herbs in your dish, it smells wonderful. So … Continue reading