About the Diabetic Diet

Before I was put on the diabetic diet, I was told by some healthcare professionals that it is really the healthiest diet for anyone to be on – even if they aren’t diabetic. Now, I am not a nutritionist, so I can’t say if that is 100% true or not, but I know I have tried a few diets and the diabetic diet is the easiest to stick with as far as I am concerned. What makes the diabetic diet unlike other diets? Well, I for one don’t really get hungry. That is because on the diabetic diet, you eat … Continue reading

What is Gastric Banding?

I told you yesterday that I would discuss gastric banding later in the day, I need to stop using that phrase. Every time I do, it turns out I don’t discuss it until the next day! So you have my apologies for the delay. So as mentioned in Weight Loss News Bites yesterday, gastric banding seems to be gaining popularity as a less invasive surgical procedure for individuals who are only moderately obese. So What Is Gastric Banding? Gastric banding is a surgery that restricts the size of a person’s stomach so they need only consume small amounts of food … Continue reading