Are You An Inventive Wife?

The other day a PR rep contacted me about an upcoming contest geared towards moms (or any woman): the Whirlpool brand Mother of Invention Grant Program. She thought it might be of interest to readers, since they are primarily women. Smart PR rep! After all, how many times have I (or perhaps even yourself) heard married women friends say things like, “I wish there was an X to help me deal with my husband (kids, job, life) better/faster/with less muss and fuss.” Heck, even I’ve said something like that when I wished I could create a PMS pill for … Continue reading

Checking Out Meal Assembly Stores

There are times in every family’s life that are busier than others. For my friend Karen (as well as for many of us), the holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas is absolutely chaotic. Karen and her husband Michael are pet photographers, which at first glance you might not associate with a busy season. The thing is they have hundreds of customers, many of whom order pet portraits as holiday gifts. Orders start coming in during the fall, and even as late as the week before Christmas. Karen and Michael try to accommodate all requests so…they are usually slammed and working … Continue reading

Shopping List and Tidbits from April 15 to April 22

What was I thinking last week? Oh—I remember, I was working on volcanoes and making bridges out of popsicle sticks for my children’s science fair. I was not thinking about the fact that there were hardly any recipes in my food blog! I promise this week I’ll be better and make sure that I have plenty of yummy food recipes in my blogs! Tuesday, April 16 Food Prep Businesseses You get together with a bunch of friends and cook your meals for the week or for the month. Take them home, freeze them and then voila—dinner is done every single … Continue reading

Food Prep Businesses: A Growing Trend in Freezer Cooking

Have you ever tried once a month cooking or freezer cooking? If not and you’re looking to save time and money, you need to check out the frugal blog, or the freezer cooking recipes here. With few exceptions, most recipes will freeze well. However, there is a growing trend catering (pun totally intended) to the uber busy supermom who wants to have a gourmet home cooked meal every night. . .or at least nearly every night. Known as meal prep businesses, they are cropping up all over the United States. Here’s how it works. You make an appointment with said … Continue reading