Grilled Favorites: Patty Melts with a Twist and Zesty Italian Burgers

The Labor Day holiday weekend is right around the corner and there’s nothing like a big BBQ to say so long to summer. However, some cash strapped families feeling the pinch from high food prices and even higher gas prices might be tempted to cancel their picnic plans. Don’t throw in the towel on your holiday grilling plans until you read the following recipes. Not only are they affordable, but they also feature basic ingredients that the entire family will enjoy. (Believe me; I know there’s nothing more frustrating than seeing good meals go to waste because your kids are … Continue reading

Playing With Food

(Want fries with that?) Santa brought this McDonald’s Drive-Thru playset to my daughter a couple of Christmases ago. So now, whenever I get a hankering for Ronald’s fries, all I have to do is belly up to the plastic window and yell for the short order cook. Or, in my case, the short cook. The interactive toy has yielded hours of fun for our family, and while my daughter is still nearly a decade away from officially working under the real Golden Arches, the kid can flip a burger and swirl a McFlurry better some of Mickey D’s paid employees. … Continue reading

Simple Lunch Ideas

My daughter’s playgroup has morphed into a bi-weekly mommy luncheon. Twice a month we gather to swap anecdotes, watch our kids play together, and eat. I find it quite therapeutic. The chatting that is. As for the meal itself, we keep it very simple, and each person is responsible for bringing a dish to pass. Last week one of the moms took a kid-friendly dish (grilled cheese) and kicked it up a few notches (go Emeril!) to create amazing grown-up sandwiches. Throw in a few easy dips and you have the makings of a delicious and nutritious lunch. Here are … Continue reading

Cultural Smorgasbord—-Mexican Rib Eye Steaks and German Brats with a Twist

I grew up in Hawaii, which is well known for its cultural diversity and equally varied cuisines. In the Aloha State it’s not unusual to have a breakfast of Japanese rice, Portuguese sausage and Hawaiian sweetbread; lunch of Filipino Chicken Adobo and Chinese noodles; and dinner consisting of Italian pasta and kalbi (Korean short ribs). As we countdown to Independence Day I thought it would be appropriate to salute our nation’s wonderfully rich cuisine with the following ethnic dishes that can be easily grilled up for a classic Fourth of July picnic. The first recipe features an All-American rib eye … Continue reading

Incorporating Asparagus into Everyday Dishes

In a previous guest blog I excitedly told you about the notice I received from our local farm announcing that the asparagus season had begun and that my share of the crop was ready to be picked up. Well, I just got back from the farm and I am now the proud owner of six pounds of fresh asparagus. (At $2 a pound how can you go wrong?) My mom was flabbergasted that I bought six pounds given that I am the only one in my family who really enjoys eating asparagus. “You’ll have to eat asparagus morning, noon and … Continue reading

Pantry Challenge: Using

Brrr. It is absolutely freezing out today here in Pennsylvania. I am definitely not looking forward to taking the babies out for a walk to school to fetch Andrew. The theme of the day will have to be layers. Fortunately, since I am still in my pantry challenge, at least I won’t be going to the grocery store. If you are just starting to read the frugal blogs and want to know more about a pantry challenge, click here. Our cereal is running a bit low. I did stock up a couple of months ago when sales and coupons were … Continue reading

5 Reasons Why You Need a George Foreman Grill

1. No messy splatters. The George Foreman Grill cooks from the top and bottom so there is no splattering or mess making with this one. I used to always burn bacon. With this grill, I just let it do all the work. My bacon comes out crisp, there are no splatters on my kitchen walls and the fat drains away. 2. Fat drains away. If you’re trying to eat low fat, the George Foreman Grill is designed to let the fat drip away into the handy, dishwasher safe, drip tray. 3. You can cook more than burgers on it. The … Continue reading