Summer Selections: Tangy and Tropical Fruit Salsa with Grilled Chicken and Salmon

Take an evening stroll around your neighborhood during the height of summer and you’re likely to be tantalized with the smells of grilled goodies. The temperature is rising and the grills are out in full force so why not join the masses by whipping up the following simple, delicious and nutritious recipes. Both match a version of fruit salsa to a type of grilled meat-—either chicken or salmon. The chilled fruit creations add a refreshing zing to the hot meat and they are an effective means by which you can get your kids to eat fruit at dinnertime. Grilled Chicken … Continue reading

Feel the Love Day: How I’m Celebrating

September 7th is Feel the Love Day. It also happens to be my husband’s birthday. Naturally Wayne’s important to me and a birthday is prime time for making him feel loved. But this year I’m actually under the gun to show the love. Last year I didn’t do very good when it came to his birthday. He definitely wasn’t feeling the love. I don’t exactly remember why I was less than stellar last year when it came to celebrating Wayne’s birthday, but I remember I was. And what made it worse was Wayne has the worst luck when it comes … Continue reading