Kitchen Playdates by Lauren Bank Deen

The other day at the library, I just had to pick up this colorful book, Kitchen Playdates by Lauren Bank Deen. The cover shows happy kids busy in the kitchen cooking and the book promised ideas and recipes that could be made with kids. My kids have always loved to cook with me, especially when it comes to baking. They like to measure, stir, chop and more. One of my daughter’s favorite possessions is her monogramed apron, and my youngest son contents himself with a towel wrapped around his waste. My oldest son begs for more responsibility in the kitchen … Continue reading

Toddler Snacks You Can Feel Good About

If you feel like you are lucky to get a few bites of each meal into your toddler, you are not alone. Even toddlers who enjoy eating are sometimes too busy to sit down long enough to eat an entire meal. Of course, they eventually do get hungry and they usually do not let you know about it until they are starving and want something to eat immediately. Parents can help their toddlers to get the nutrition that they need by offering a variety of nutritious, easy to prepare snacks throughout the day. Snacks that include both protein and fat … Continue reading

Cooking with All Things Trader Joe’s

Trader Joe’s is like a celebrity around here. Whenever anyone mentions anything to do with food or groceries, inevitably, Trader Joe’s comes up. Their selection of specialty products, combined with reasonable prices makes them a big hit with most families. There are always some interesting products at Trader Joe’s to try, including seasonal products. Sometimes I’ll look at something such as a unique sauce and think that while it looks good, I would have no idea how to use it. That is what this cookbook is all about. It takes advantage of all of those ingredients, especially the pre-prepped items, … Continue reading