Pepsi Makes Meat Taste Better?

I don’t know what it is about adding cola to a marinade that makes the meat turn out better. I had recently discovered this trick when I started making my mother in law’s pot roast and adding cola to the liquid instead of water. Maybe I’m just biased towards Pepsi. But if you try it, you won’t regret it. (And my kids favorite part about when mom buy soda to marinade the meat is then there’s some left over for everyone to have a rare treat.) Since I’ve started doing adding Pepsi to my beef cuts in the crock pot, … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Recipes: Soda Pop Turkey

Coke is it when it comes to sweetening your bird this Thanksgiving. Sprite will work too, if you follow the recipe below. A week from today most of us will be gorging ourselves on turkey and all the fixings, but before we gather around the dining room table someone has to cook the Thanksgiving bird. If you are reading this blog, that “someone” is probably you. Of course, not everyone will be creating a Thanksgiving feast for dozens of extended family members. Some clans celebrate the holiday with an intimate gathering of just a few very close loved ones. In … Continue reading

Chicken Wings, Cauliflower and Coke

If you are a parent who struggles to get your child to eat cauliflower (or any vegetable for that matter) you might consider adding this recipe to your arsenal. It combines the unpopular veggie (at least in my family) with a very popular carbonated beverage—-Coca Cola. The other recipe also features the sugary soft drink, but this one pairs it with a finger food devoured by kids of all ages. Chicken Wings in Coke is a recipe my grandfather made each year for our family’s Super Bowl party. Not only is it easy to make, it also satisfies the masses … Continue reading

Coke is IT in Carrot Cake

This one is for you Valorie. Recently, Food Blogger Valorie posted a pork chop recipe that called for a cup of Pepsi. She then wrote of her preference for Pepsi over the perennial cola taste test winner Coke. Personally, I can’t really tell the difference between the two, but then again I rarely–if ever–consume carbonated beverages. However, I am not opposed to using them as an ingredient in recipes. The following recipe is one I stumbled across when I was looking for unique ways to use up all the raw carrots I have sitting in my refrigerator. It’s from my … Continue reading