Are You Really Giving Your Kids Everything?

The other day, I brought my three kids to a birthday party that took place at one of those family fun centers. There were all sorts of adventures, such as a huge climbing/ball pit, a small laser maze, a rock climbing wall and plenty of games that the kids could play for tickets. In order to play the ticket games, kids had to swipe a card on which money was added. As part of the party, each guest got a card that was worth $3. Each game cost anywhere from $.50 to $2.00 to play. This meant less than the … Continue reading

Connecting Math to the Real World

Some children excel in math, and find it to be a fun game to play with. Other children struggle to gain number sense and have great difficulty connecting the math on their paper to a real world application of it. Here are some activities that can help struggling learners to understand certain math skills a little better. Each family is unique, but all of them share a few things in common. Everyone has to go grocery shopping. Each family has to eat dinner every night, (hopefully together). Eventually, everyone has to take the time to get the laundry done. These … Continue reading

Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Improved

Chuck E. Cheese is a favorite spot for my children. My three year old asks to go on a daily basis. If she sees the restaurant on our travels she immediately asks if we can stop and play. Chuck E. Cheese really is a place where a kid can be a kid. It is also a place where an adult can be a kid. I am not a fan of Chuck E. Cheese during the busy days or hours of the restaurant. I am also not a fan of any crowded space. However, on slow afternoons during the school year, … Continue reading

Cereal, Crackers, and Chocolate Chip Cookies

People who have an intolerance to, or allergy to, gluten are going to have to avoid many of the foods that most people don’t think twice about eating. If you just learned that you have a gluten allergy, then you will be discovering all the foods that you can no longer eat. Unfortunately, most of those foods are both comforting and tasty. When I learned that I had a gluten allergy, my first trip to the grocery store made me aware of just how many foods there were that I could never eat again. This experience was rather shocking, and … Continue reading

Get a Coupon to Save $2.00 on DiGiorno Pizza and a Side

There are a lot of families that have declared one special night of the week to be “pizza night”. Its anyone’s guess whether the children or the parents enjoy it more. Sometimes, a pizza, on its own, is not quite enough. DiGiorno has the solution. You can get a coupon to try a “pizza and side” from DiGiorno. It’s a little strange, but could be interesting. Everyone likes “pizza night”. Parents like the convenience of making a dinner that doesn’t involve a lot of preparation time, and doesn’t require much clean up afterwards. Kids and teenagers tend to love pizza, … Continue reading

Add Pizzazz to Plain Paper

Looking to add some pizzazz to your layouts? Typically, when I think of jazzing up an ordinary scrapbook page design I turn to stickers or stamps; however, during a recent scrapbook workshop I learned how to design pretty paper at home. Instead of relying on store-bought brands, I scanned some photos and used them as the background for my own design. If you don’t want to use photographs, you could opt to scan clip art. Regardless of the image you choose, you’ll have to work with photo software or an imaging package to tile the artwork or enlarge it, so … Continue reading

Keeping it Real on Valentine’s Day

This year Valentine’s Day falls on a Monday. Does it get any more unromantic? Who goes through the trouble of tracking down a sitter for a Monday date night? Sure, Valentine’s Day is for lovers, but if you are a parent with young children, then you might find yourself sticking close to home on February 14th. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you have to throw romance out the window. There are ways you can keep the flames of passion burning on Love Day even with the kids around. Here’s how: Have a 10 o’clock tryst: Or 11 or midnight… … Continue reading

Marriage is a Lot Like Pizza

Marriage is a lot like pizza. It needs firstly a good solid and well rounded base to put the toppings on. Marriages need to be on a solid base of commitment and love and well rounded with time together and time apart, of conversation and of silence. Then the base needs to be spread with tomato paste or tomatoes. A marriage needs a good spread of love. The next thing Mick and I put on when making pizza is oregano and chili to spice it up. All marriages need to be spiced up at times. Then the toppings go on. … Continue reading

Simple Back-to-School Breakfast: Cereal Cookies

Cookies for breakfast? I’ve already admitted (not so sheepishly) that I’ve started many a day with the sweet circular treats during my lifetime. I’m not bragging about my behavior; rather I try to rationalize it. (Don’t we all?) I figure if the foundation of the cookie consists of ingredients you would find in a traditional breakfast then why feel guilty? The following cookie recipes will not only get your kids out of bed, but they’ll be seated at the kitchen table begging you for breakfast before you retrieve the morning newspaper. The first recipe stars several breakfast favorites, including good … Continue reading

Special After School Treat—Chocolate Pizza

You survived the send off and now you only have a few more hours before the first day of the new school year ends. That’s more than enough time to whip up these special treats. Growing up my mom would always have a tasty homemade treat waiting for us when we got home from the first day of school. My brothers and I would join my mom at the kitchen counter; chow down on our ooey-gooey goodies and share details of our first day back at “prison” (my youngest brother’s nickname for school). If you want to welcome your children … Continue reading