Safety Tips for Baby on the 4th of July

If you are American, you are undoubtedly preparing for your 4th of July celebration. Either you are going elsewhere to celebrate or you are getting ready to host your own big party. Lucky me, I’m going to go to the courthouse today to attempt to get out of jury duty next week. But with that aside, we too are planning on traveling tomorrow and partaking in my father in law’s company’s large Independence Day picnic. However, did you know that the 4th of July is one of the busiest times of year for emergency room physicians? After our incident last … Continue reading

Safety Tips for Outdoors Cooking

I am jealous. We have no option for outdoor cooking. We used to barbecue on our fire escape until the fire department caught us and pointed out that blocking a fire escape in New York City is a criminal offense. Needless to say, grilling ceased very quickly. If we want to grill we have to go to our friend’s house. However, I imagine someone reading this blog has to cook outside so let me offer you lucky folks a few food safety tips for safe grilling. You’d think the danger in grilling would be getting burned somehow and I’m sure … Continue reading

Turkey Fryer Safety Tips

Turkey fryers have grown dramatically in popularity, but some consumer organizations are not happy about it. Turkey fryers can create some of the most sumptuous meals, but they can also be highly dangerous. They can cause severe burns and fires if not used with the utmost care. Follow these safety tips to make sure your experience is a good one: 1. Make sure to read all the manufacturer’s instructions completely. 2. Make sure the turkey fryer is assembled properly. 3. Use your turkey fryer outdoors only. 4. The turkey fryer must be set up level and must be in a … Continue reading

Grilling with Wood Planks

It may be fall, but if the weather’s nice it’s still grilling season in my book. Speaking of…the other day I was in the Fresh Market getting some fish to grill for Wayne and myself for dinner. They had a stack of smaller wood grilling planks on the counter. I’ve seen the longer ones and had considered trying them, but I figured I’d only use them with fish and that poses a problem. Wayne prefers salmon and I can’t eat it anymore. (I used to be able to, but about 10 years ago I developed an intolerance and now I … Continue reading

Have A Healthy Picnic

I love picnics. The fresh air, the sunshine… but you have to be really careful with your food. And I don’t just mean protecting your meal from scavenging ants and dive-bombing birds. I mean temperature and bacteria. According to the American Dietetic Association, the amount of bacteria in food kept between 60 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit can double within an hour. So how do you keep your picnic feast safe? Try these healthy tips. Store your food at temperatures of forty degrees or less. Don’t have a ton of extra space in your cooler? Frozen water bottles serve double duty … Continue reading

4th of July and Beyond

4th of July is a really good time for family time, especially for the single parent. It doesn’t just have to be on the fourth though. There will be celebrations in this area all the way up to the 14th. Top Ten things to do on or around 4th of July? Watch fireworks: With the amount of fireworks that happen around this day they are pretty much impossible to miss. Some places do them on different days before and after the fourth as well. Barbecue: This doesn’t have to be a big extravaganza. Grab a pack of hot dogs and … Continue reading

A Month in Review

I know, I know. I’m supposed to do a week in review every week. That’s the whole point. But I got super busy (especially on weekends when I usually write the week in review) and missed it. Now I’m faced with a dilemma: skip the week in reviews that I missed. . .post them separately, or do them as a month. So here I am, bringing you the month in review. (I do have to mention another reason I am behind on my weekly reviews is that I’m working on a BIG project for the food blog! Shhhh. . .don’t … Continue reading

High Tech Grilling Gadgets

It would seem. . .unethical. . .if I didn’t write about grilling so close to Memorial Day. However, you must know that I am jealous of all of you who will be enjoying your grills this weekend and that I simply consider it cruel irony that I must write about grilling without actually having a grill. I may go borrow one from one of my friends. With that disclaiming blurb out in the open I present you today with a list of latest high tech grilling gadgets. I’m sure someone with more outdoor cooking experience will laugh at my next … Continue reading

Picnics 301—Staying Out of the Danger Zone

In response to a wonderful comment made regarding my blog: Picnics 101, I decided to write another blog on picnics. The person who wrote the comment shared a great idea: instant picnics. If you keep a cooler in the car with basic staples such as plates, utensils, and cups, when the mood hits you can swing through a drive-thru or stop at a store to pick up food, then head to a park… and viola—instant picnic. The idea served as the inspiration for this blog that deals with picnics and food safety. Here’s some food for thought regarding picnic food: … Continue reading