King of the Mushrooms

Button mushrooms are the most commonly eaten mushroom in the United States. Ninety percent of all mushrooms consumed are the plain, white button mushroom. That’s a lot of mushrooms. (They’re my favorites!) Good news for you if you like button mushrooms, too — researchers from Tufts University have decided that this is the healthiest mushroom around. White button mushrooms can do some amazing things like: Boost immune system activity. Ward off viruses (thanks to that revved up immune system action). Destroy tumors. Protect against cancer, thanks to high antioxidant content. Antioxidants kill dangerous free radicals in the body (that can … Continue reading

A Steak By Any Other Name

Do you know your steak names? I was surprised to find out how little I knew! I suspect it’s because steak is one of those delicacies rarely enjoyed by this family of seven. The required use of steak knives at the dinner table tends to cause any thoughts of grilled steak to quickly give way to a much safer dinner. All the same, here is a quick guide to the many names of steak. Tenderloin The tenderloin is known as the most tender part of the steak. Filet Mignon and Chateaubriand are two well known ways to prepare this cut … Continue reading

Lisa vs. Valorie’s Spaghetti Sauce

The savory taste of fresh herbs or the spicy taste of delicious meats? Take your pick for a sugarless spaghetti sauce. In fact, if you were a firm believer in a tablespoon of sugar in your sauce–we might just change your mind! Both of our sauces use the method of slow cooking spicy meats as a means of bringing out rich flavors. Simmering in the crock pot is a key means of cooking these sauces and I have to tell you, if you think you’d do better to simmer it on a stove–you’d be wrong. So with that said, take … Continue reading

Scallops for Your Non-Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner

I have been saving my blog about scallops for a holiday. Why? Because properly prepared scallops are great for entertaining. They are very versatile and can go as an appetizer or as the main course. I figure surely someone out there doesn’t like turkey–right? I suppose if you are already committed to the big bird, you can just save this for later. Breaded Parmesan Scallops This is my absolute favorite way to prepare scallops. I recommend buying smaller scallops for this dish as I think it’s easier to determine when they’re done. I prefer to saute them but you can … Continue reading

Scary Movie Night

Are you thinking about entertaining on Halloween instead of going trick-or-treating? Why don’t you consider hosting a scary movie night? You can invite all your friends over for good food and a good time. What do you need to put together a scary movie night? First (and perhaps most importantly), you will need a scary movie. There are all different types of “scary” movies from the old Boris Karloff flicks to today’s gorefests like Hostel. You will need to pick your movie based on who is attending. If you are inviting people with children, take that into consideration when choosing … Continue reading

Dinner for a Buck or Two: Pasta

This recipe is for an awesome vegetarian pasta, Rotini with Chunky Vegetable Sauce. The sauce is filled with various vegetables that give it a rich, savory flavor. Leaving out the meat makes this dish very healthy and very inexpensive. Add some bread and a simple salad to complete the meal. Each serving should cost you less than two dollars. Rotini with Chunky Vegetable Sauce Serves 6 16 oz rotini noodles 3 Tablespoons olive or vegetable oil 1 medium onion, diced 1/2 bell pepper (any color) diced 1 medium zucchini, diced 6-8 mushrooms, diced 2 (15 oz) cans diced tomatoes, undrained … Continue reading

Triple Cheese Pasta Casserole

Memorial Day is coming up. To me, that means only one thing – a cookout! Even though we are not going anywhere or having any friends over, we will still cook out. But, man cannot live by meat alone – you have to have sides. If you are looking for a wonderful side dish to help enhance your meal or to take to someone else’s house, look no further than this recipe: Triple Cheese Pasta Casserole For this recipe, you will need 12 ounces of tri-colored corkscrew macaroni, a 16 ounce pack of yellow, green, and red peppers for stir-fry, … Continue reading

Fun Fondue II

Since I have my new fondue pot from my sister for Christmas, I thought I’d give it a real workout. In addition to the chocolate fondues from my previous post, I thought I’d try a main dish fondue. The kids thought fondue was a lot of fun, and I aim to please, but I couldn’t justify chocolate fondue as a staple food. My first thought was classic cheese fondue, but my sister, who is an excellent cook and knows everything about food (she hand-dips chocolates at Christmas!) said she’s never gotten a cheese fondue to work properly, so I didn’t … Continue reading