Bringing Home the Bacon

If you not only bring home the bacon, but also are responsible for cooking it up, then you might find the following recipes quite helpful. One Christmas my dad was gifted with 15 pounds of fresh bacon as a thank you from a guy he helped at the office. For weeks we ate bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Once the pig product was gone I took a break from bacon… for about 12 years. I’m not kidding. I swore off bacon until well after I graduated from college. To this day I rarely, if ever, eat bacon. However, that … Continue reading

Shakin’ & Bakin’ with Bacon

When Oscar Mayer introduced its Ready to Serve bacon a few years back you could have gotten a sunburn from the megawatt smile my bacon loving mom flashed each time she picked up a package from the grocery store. Heck, if it were not for my mom’s obsession with bacon my preschooler wouldn’t be walking around telling people that her grandma puts bagels on her salad. (She means Bac-Os.) With the weekend fast approaching I’m sure home cooks the world over are planning to fry up a pretty pound of the pork product to go along with their pancakes and … Continue reading