Save Money on Sweets

I was blessed (or cursed) with a sweet tooth. My body seems to burn sugar right up. Have you ever taken a sugar test during pregnancy? During the test, you are required to fast for an hour or two and then drink a sugary drink that is basically highly concentrated soda syrup, minus the fizzy bubbles. Furthermore, you have to drink the stuff within a certain number of minutes, and the experience is just horrible. Sometimes, they would ask me to repeat the test, because even after drinking that whole thing, my blood sugar would be on the lower side … Continue reading

Sweet & Nutty Chicken

This recipe always gets rave reviews whenever I pass it along to a friend. It is one of the recipes I include in my What’s for Dinner club. We eat a lot of chicken in my household. It is economic and a good source of lean protein. I particularly like this recipe because it takes regular old chicken, and with a few simple steps, turns them into something almost gourmet. The preparation is really easy to do, and the ingredients are so easily found in any standard grocery store. Sweet & Nutty Chicken can be served with almost any standard … Continue reading 2007 Cookbook ‘A’

The cookbook is organized according to ingredients rather than by type of dish. This way if you have an ingredient on hand, and are wondering what to do with it, or if you want a recipe that uses a specific ingredient, then you can look it up in the cookbook. If you want a certain type of dish. . .use the categories on the right! Acorn Squash Ranchy Breaded Fish and Candied Acorn Squash Adobo seasoning Cilantro Lime Grilled Chicken Tex Mex Marinade Allspice Chai Spice Cutouts Spicy Mixed Nuts Oatmeal Waffles with Homemade Apple Butter Healthy Pumpkin Brownies … Continue reading

Shopping List and Tidbits for Sept 6 to Sept 20

In most blogs on families, we strive to a do a week in review blog. In the food blog, our week in review takes the form of a shopping list of all the ingredients you would need to make the recipes featured here over the past week. In addition, I make sure to link any food related tidbits we’ve covered as well. So grab a cup of copy and get to making your shopping list! Tidbits Ask a Food Blogger: What are Free Range Meats? Make sure you have these staples on hand. . . __sugar __lemon juice __butter __light … Continue reading

Vegetarian Peanut Butter Noodles

I have recently been looking for more vegetarian dishes to add to our weekly repertoire of tasty things to eat. Frankly, meat is just getting expensive so cutting it out a couple of times a week will make my wallet happier. I also figured that adding more vegetables to our diet could never hurt. When I first tried this dish, I really did so under threat of rebellion. (The moral of that story is never let the kids who can read look at your magazines.) One of my children saw the peanut butter noodle headliner and thought that adding peanut … Continue reading

Cucumber and Tomato Salad

During the hot summer months, we’re always on the lookout for cooling recipes. Some foods raise the body temperature, like meat and peanuts, while others lower it, like tomatoes, watermelon, and grapes. When I found this delightful recipe, I was all over it like a fruit fly on a banana. Now, there aren’t exact amounts for this recipe – it’s all according to taste. Peel and dice several cucumbers. If you’re preparing for a large crowd, do a lot, and if there will just be a few people, do a few. (This is very scientific, you see.) Now dice several … Continue reading

A Month in Review

I know, I know. I’m supposed to do a week in review every week. That’s the whole point. But I got super busy (especially on weekends when I usually write the week in review) and missed it. Now I’m faced with a dilemma: skip the week in reviews that I missed. . .post them separately, or do them as a month. So here I am, bringing you the month in review. (I do have to mention another reason I am behind on my weekly reviews is that I’m working on a BIG project for the food blog! Shhhh. . .don’t … Continue reading