Tips for First Time Hosts of Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is celebrated with family. It always includes a big dinner with tons of food. This can be overwhelming for first time hosts of Thanksgiving dinner. Don’t panic! Try these tips to help calm your nerves and make your first hosting a successful one. There are two things that can make a person who is hosting Thanksgiving dinner nervous. One is that the guests are going to expect specific foods that are made exactly the way that mom or grandma used to make. Their big expectations can be hard to live up to. The other difficulty, of course, is that … Continue reading

Before You Deep Fry that Turkey…

There are some safety tips that you should know about before you deep fry that Thanksgiving turkey. It could be the difference between a happy Thanksgiving and a trip to the emergency room. Here is some advice to help you prevent having to file a health insurance claim, or a homeowners insurance claim, on Thanksgiving day. Stacey Fleming is the public information officer with the FWFD (Fort Wayne Fire Department) in Indiana. She says: “Fires are three times more likely to occur on Thanksgiving and around Thanksgiving more than any other time of the year, so inevitably we probably will … Continue reading

Tips for Getting Your Customer Service Issues Resolved

The amount of shopping that you do during the holiday season may increase the amount of time that you spend dealing with customer service issues. Here are a few tips for getting what you want and need from customer service. You may want to keep this list handy after the holidays too, because you never know when you might need it. The very first thing to do when you have a customer service issue is to clearly and politely ask for what it is that you want. Do not be shy, it will not get you anywhere. It is important … Continue reading

Ways to Make Thanksgiving Less Stressful for Kids With ASD

Thanksgiving is typically celebrated by spending time with family, and eating a big meal. This is a day that is going to completely throw off the schedule that your autistic child is used to. This can make things stressful for both the child, and his or her parents. Here are some tips to make coping with Thanksgiving a little bit easier on your child. Kids who have an autism spectrum disorder rely on there being a consistent schedule. When school is out due to a holiday, like Thanksgiving, this can cause your child to feel some stress. Suddenly, everything he … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Day Has the Most Cooking Accidents

Be careful how you cook that turkey! Thanksgiving is the day when the most cooking accidents occur. Many of these accidents happen due to the misuse of turkey fryers. Make sure that you are following the safety rules for fryers, so you won’t end up in the hospital on Thanksgiving. Deep fried turkey is tasty. Millions of Americans agree with that statement, and use a turkey fryer to cook their turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. Unfortunately, not everyone is following the safety rules that go along with these types of deep fryers. This is part of the reason why Thanksgiving Day … Continue reading

Sweet Turkey Day Fun

Turkey Day is so close I can smell it. So can my 7-year-old. However, it’s not make-ahead cranberry sauce, green bean casserole or stuffing that we’re sniffing. Rather, our kitchen is covered in chocolate. Thanks to the crafty folks at Kellogg’s our pint-sized Thanksgiving guests will be chowing down on homemade chocolate cereal turkey parts. My daughter caught sight of the adorable, edible treats a few mornings ago while perusing the back of the Rice Krispies box. She’s been begging to make them ever since. Last night she got her wish. We went to town hand molding sticky turkey legs … Continue reading

The Expenses of Thanksgiving

Holidays are expensive, even holidays that don’t involve gift-giving. As we approach Thanksgiving, I’m noticing how expensive it can be to host a large family gathering. A large turkey, even on sale, was almost thirty dollars, and that’s just the bird. There are other foods to prepare, plus getting my house ready—it’s a little overwhelming. As I’ve looked over my preparations, I’ve come up with some ideas for how to keep the expense under control. Hopefully, these tips can be of use to you, too. 1. Pay attention to which grocery stores are offering free turkeys when you purchase a … Continue reading

Hidden Allergens On the Thanksgiving Table

Thanksgiving dinner can be stressful for parents of kids who have severe food allergies. The foods that you think might be safe for your child to eat could be full if hidden allergens. Here is a quick list of some things to avoid. Cross contamination can be a big problem at Thanksgiving dinner. All it takes is for one careless person to use the wrong utensil to serve himself some food, and then to put that utensil into a completely different serving dish. Suddenly, the food that your child could have potentially eaten is absolutely unsafe. Turkey may seems like … Continue reading

Making Thanksgiving Memories

For kids, Thanksgiving pales in comparison to holidays in which they get to unwrap more than just some silverware from a cloth napkin. In fact, for some youngsters Turkey Day can be downright boring. Save for stuffing herself with bird and her favorite pumpkin pie, my 7-year-old sees the holiday as simply the day before she can start using her red Sharpie to countdown to Christmas on the calendar. Of course, having whiny kids underfoot while trying to prepare a feast for 20 is no picnic for parents either. This is why it pays to be prepared. Keeping children entertained … Continue reading

Simple Last-Minute Thanksgiving Decorations

One of the advantages of parenting a first grader is that you’re pretty much set in the seasonal decoration department. Since the beginning of the month, my daughter has brought home no less than a dozen homemade Thanksgiving-themed craft projects. Each and every handcrafted turkey, pilgrim, cornucopia and Giving Tree is prominently showcased throughout our home, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. My daughter’s art teacher went all out this year. If your children weren’t as productive in art class, or you’re just looking for easy and inexpensive ways to keep the kiddos busy on Thanksgiving morning, and … Continue reading