Toddler Snacks You Can Feel Good About

If you feel like you are lucky to get a few bites of each meal into your toddler, you are not alone. Even toddlers who enjoy eating are sometimes too busy to sit down long enough to eat an entire meal. Of course, they eventually do get hungry and they usually do not let you know about it until they are starving and want something to eat immediately. Parents can help their toddlers to get the nutrition that they need by offering a variety of nutritious, easy to prepare snacks throughout the day. Snacks that include both protein and fat … Continue reading

We Need More Food Holidays

I’m not a very good cook, I only cook enough to keep us alive, but if I have something to celebrate, then I love to cook! I love cooking for a crowd on Thanksgiving or Christmas. I actually look forward to it, plan it out and dance around the kitchen, excited for everyone to come to dinner. The rest of the year, not so much, cooking is boring! In an effort to make every day a holiday and motivate myself to cook I decided to take advantage of some of the lesser known holidays. So dust off your apron and … Continue reading

Newly Discovered Sources of Antioxidants

We all know that blueberries are a great source of antioxidants, but it may surprise you to know that there are several other foods that have been newly discovered to also contain antioxidants. You may find them easier to incorporate them into your daily diet. What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are compounds that have the power to destroy free-radicals, things that tend to destroy cells leading to premature aging, illness, even cancer. The more antioxidants in your diet, the better. Here are some of the food that has been newly discovered to contain powerful antioxidants. Popcorn Pop your popcorn at home … Continue reading