The Multitasking Apple

This fall, stock up on inexpensive apples and make them work hard for you while they save you money. The key is get the apples as cheaply as possible and use them for more than one purpose or use as much of the apple as possible. One of my favorite ways to do this is to get five or six large apples, and peel them, trying to make sure that I get a few good long peels in the process. I cut the apples and then place them in the crockpot with 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup of sugar … Continue reading

Excuse Me, Are These Melons Ripe? Grocery Shopping with my Husband

Flirting with your husband in the produce department while grocery shopping may not seem like your idea of a date, but when you are saving toward a healthy emergency fund, a discussion about fruit may be some of the sweetest words you’ll hear. My husband and I had gotten in the habit of a monthly lunch date, on a Tuesday or Wednesday, when all three children are in school. We only have about a two-hour window of time alone, but this was usually sufficient to have a nice lunch and catch up without being interrupted by little people needing this … Continue reading

Eliminate Food Waste: You Can Eat These

Eliminate food waste by taking advantage of good food that is commonly thrown away. Get some valuable nutrition and save money on your food bill. Here is how. Almost-Expired Eggs Most eggs will last for at least a few days past their expiration date, but if you don’t want to take a chance, try this trick. Boil almost-expired eggs. The hard-boiled eggs can be used as snacks, turned into egg salad, or used to pump up the nutrients in a green salad. Broccoli Stems We buy a lot of fresh broccoli in this house because it is inexpensive, and the … Continue reading

Keeping the Grocery Bill Low

How do you keep your grocery bill down to the same amount that it was two years ago despite the fact that food has gone up? It isn’t easy, but I am determined. Since our income hasn’t gone up, neither can our spending. We’ve already cut corners in other areas, such as with entertainment and activities. Now it is time to wrestle that grocery bill back down to the ground. Keeping Track I’m now back to keeping a running total of our grocery expenses week to week. Having this running total gives us a number to challenge. Can we spend … Continue reading

Home Based Business Idea – Pies

One of the great things about starting your own business is that you get to determine your niche within whatever category your business fits into. If you are thinking about starting a baking business, why not take a look at whether you could build your business around pies. Sure, cupcakes may be a hot item right now, but in many markets there is a lot of competition. Baking pies just might be a niche where you can get noticed. A good pie crust recipe is as essential as a good business plan if you are thinking of going into the … Continue reading

It’s Not About What You Don’t Have

..but what you do with what you do have. An outgrown girl’s dress can become a nice shirt. An old video game system can be repaired for hundreds of hours of fun. A romantic dinner can be had at home instead of at a pricey restaurant. By focusing on what you do with what you have, with your blessings, you’ll live a happy life, not to mention a frugal one. As I mentioned yesterday, I was turning over the kids clothing from summer (and spring) to Winter (and fall). I won’t kid you, it was a lot of work and … Continue reading