Easy New Year’s Eve Appetizers

Last December I went to a New Year’s Eve party at a friend’s house, but instead of serving traditional prime rib, she went all out making dozens (yes, dozens) of unique appetizers. She had a few hearty ones that were rich and delicious, but she also made sure to put out a few lighter options too. I loved them all, and the best part was that I didn’t feel guilty trying a little of everything. Creating a New Year’s Eve buffet with an array of appetizers gives your guests the chance to sample a variety of dishes, like these: SHRIMP … Continue reading

Back-to-School Battle: Lunch

With millions of students heading back to class next week parents are bracing for the obligatory back-to-school battles with their children over clothes, transportation… and lunch. Some kids simply refuse to eat school lunch, which leaves moms and dads scrambling to come up with homemade meals that are both healthy and tasty. For many parents that means buying packaged lunches, which may look nutritious, but are actually far from it. For example, did you know Lunchables’ Maxed Out Cracker Stackers Combo Ham and Cheddar—-a popular lunch choice among middle school students–contains 22 grams of fat, 50 milligrams of cholesterol and … Continue reading

Meals Most of Us WON’T Be Dining on at 35,000 Feet

A new study shows that today’s average first-class, round-trip ticket costs $13,000. (So basically you could buy a compact car or fly in luxury for a day.) For that amount of money you are not guaranteed a delay-free flight or one that is void of turbulence. Heck, for $13,000 the airline can’t even promise that your luggage will arrive at your final destination in one piece. However, what you are guaranteed in first class is a four-star meal. Champagne, caviar, lobster—-you name it. These days the sky is the limit when it comes to dining on fancy food in first … Continue reading

The Curse of Inertia

What’s inertia, you say? An object a rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. That, more or less, is inertia. I have a hard time with inertia some days. Inertia makes me not want to leave the house. Inertia makes me turn down invitations from friends. Those days, I am an object at rest and I want to stay at rest. Today I fought off inertia to go have lunch with some friends at a pretty park in Portland. I really wanted to stay home. The morning was off to a bad … Continue reading

Picnics- A Summertime Tradition

It is Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer. This means the consistently warm weather will be here before long and nothing screams SUMMER louder than a Picnic! We love to dine alfresco, whether it is outside on a restaurant ‘s patio or deck, in our backyard or at a local park. To be outside, taking in the sights, sounds and smells of nature while enjoying a meal with family and friends can be one of the most cherished memories of summertime. The best part of this simple, fun idea is that you don’t need too much in the … Continue reading

My Day’s Great Deal – Avocados!

Yesterday I was at my local supermarket, King Soopers, getting fresh fruit when I saw that avocados were on sale for 77 cents each. The normal sale for avocados there is between $1 and $1.50 per avocado. So when I saw this excellent price (and that the avocados weren’t eeny weeny itty bitty) I put 3 of them in my cart. I understand why King Soopers put avocados at such a great sale price. The store needs to move all the ripe avocados out now or else the avocados will all need to be thrown out in a day or … Continue reading