Top Ten Staples to have on hand with recipes

I have always thought that if you have staples on hand, you can make anything. Staples are basics that you can keep in your cupboard to use to prepare a dish. I think that everyone’s list of staples are different. It all depends on the diet that you are on, or your health issues. If you have the right staples, you should be able to prepare a dish even if it’s not on your menu. This is a list of common staples to have on hand: Sugar, flour, salt, pepper, milk (dried or fresh), oil, butter, bread and canned vegetables. … Continue reading

Safety Tips for Outdoors Cooking

I am jealous. We have no option for outdoor cooking. We used to barbecue on our fire escape until the fire department caught us and pointed out that blocking a fire escape in New York City is a criminal offense. Needless to say, grilling ceased very quickly. If we want to grill we have to go to our friend’s house. However, I imagine someone reading this blog has to cook outside so let me offer you lucky folks a few food safety tips for safe grilling. You’d think the danger in grilling would be getting burned somehow and I’m sure … Continue reading