Get Outside

Our children are at risk of obesity along with a whole range of health problems simply because spending time outside is no longer a parental priority. When I was growing up, we were outside, coming in only for meals. There were lots of neighbor kids to play with and because most of our mothers were home during the day, no one really worried about us. My mother knew if she couldn’t see me one of the neighbors could. I remember my grandmother saying “Go outside, get the stink blown off of you.” That was her way of saying it was … Continue reading

The Death of Family Dinners

My daughter spent the day with her best friend M last week. The two girls are inseparable, which is why I wasn’t surprised when M’s mom called to ask if my daughter could stay for dinner. I agreed and we set up a pick up time for later that evening. I ended up getting to M’s house early and was concerned that I would be interrupting dinner (or at least clean up time), but to my surprise as soon as I got out of my car the girls came barreling toward me to show off their freshly painted nails. M’s … Continue reading

Three-Course Romantic Valentine’s Day Dinner for Two

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and if you are celebrating without the kids this year you might consider the following romantic recipes. Your sweetie will fall in love with these amorous eats, and if you are lucky he (or she) will do the dishes after you’re done feeding each other. RASPBERRY SPINACH SALAD Ingredients: 2 tablespoons raspberry vinegar 2 tablespoons raspberry jam 1/3 cup vegetable oil 8 cups spinach, rinsed, stemmed and torn into pieces 3/4 cup coarsely chopped Macadamia nuts or toasted almond slices 1 cup fresh raspberries 3 kiwis, peeled and sliced Directions: For the Dressing: Combine vinegar and … Continue reading

Holly Jolly Holiday Side Dishes

Turkey, ham, prime rib, they’re the staples of many holiday meals. But, think of the looks you would get from your guests if that were all you served them. The following recipes for simple yet delicious side dishes can all be made in less than 45 minutes from start to finish, including cook time. Each complements the traditional holiday fare. What’s more, the Rice Pilaf and Shrimp Dip will be welcome sights to your vegetarian guests. WILD RICE AND PINE NUT PILAF Ingredients: 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup diced celery 1/2 cup diced onion 1 box long-grain white and wild … Continue reading

Meals to Make from Bread

Stretch out your food budget by not letting anything go to waste. When you are faced with dinner time and there is “nothing” to prepare, take a look into your pantry. There are so many things you can make with what may be available. Today let’s take a look at bread. You can usually find bread in most people’s kitchens, and it is great for turning into meals and side dishes. This post is part of the Ideas for Cooking from Your Stockpile series. Main Meals: Try these ideas to make bread, fresh or stale, into a main meal. The … Continue reading

Incorporating Asparagus into Everyday Dishes

In a previous guest blog I excitedly told you about the notice I received from our local farm announcing that the asparagus season had begun and that my share of the crop was ready to be picked up. Well, I just got back from the farm and I am now the proud owner of six pounds of fresh asparagus. (At $2 a pound how can you go wrong?) My mom was flabbergasted that I bought six pounds given that I am the only one in my family who really enjoys eating asparagus. “You’ll have to eat asparagus morning, noon and … Continue reading

Heart Healthy Vegetarian Dishes

Cooking for a mother who is on a low calorie, low cholesterol diet PLUS a husband who has diabetes and needs to eat foods that are low in fat, salt and sugar can be challenging to say the least. However, it is a task that my best friend has met full on… and succeeds at in ways that never cease to amaze me. The following recipes are ones she prepares for her family on a regular basis. I had a chance to sample them during my recent visit home. Because neither one of them calls for meat they were great … Continue reading

Two Side Dishes That Make the Dinner

Are you a one dish Betty, preferring to schlop all of your vegetables, meat and potatoes in one casserole dish? Don’t get me wrong, casseroles have their place at our dinner table. They are quick, easy and can often be prepped ahead of time. On the other hand, it sets a certain mood to have dinner where there is one main meat and several delicious side dishes. These particular side dishes go well with anything, are fairly easy to prep and will complete your meal with a touch of elegance! Sauteed Spinach and Mushrooms You will need: 3 tablespoons butter … Continue reading

Make Your Own Chinese New Year Dishes

Mark your calendars–this year Chinese New Year begins on February 7th. Which means you have exactly one week to finalize your party menu… or make dinner reservations at your favorite Chinese restaurant. Actually, the point of this blog is to encourage the former instead of the latter, more convenient option. I grew up in Hawaii where Chinese New Year is celebrated with huge block parties featuring massive buffet tables lined with the most delicious homemade Chinese delicacies. Growing up my favorite Chinese New Year treat was Soy Zing Dan Gow, a steamed Chinese sponge cake that is specifically made for … Continue reading

Making Healthy Choices at the Thanksgiving Dinner Table

For many people who watch what they eat on a daily basis Thanksgiving is the one day of the year that they throw caution to the wind and devour whatever their stomachs desire. Not my sister-in-law. In fact, she won’t eat a bite of turkey (or ham) today. Rather, she’ll fill her plate with samples of all of the fabulous side dishes that surround the sliced up bird. It’s not because she’s a vegetarian; rather she believes that she’s doing her body good by skipping the meat dishes and eating the lower calorie menu options. (To each her own I … Continue reading