Whole Wheat Stuffing with Roasted Veggies

For the last year, I’ve really been trying to systematically sneak more fruits and vegetables into our family’s diet. You’d think the kids would be the worst, and while I have one horribly picky eater, the truth is it’s my husband who is really bad about eating his veggies. He simply doesn’t. They sit right there on his plate and wait. . .only to be gobbled up by one of the twins. (Because you know that food on a parents’ plate is infinitely more appetizing than food on their own plates.) Coincidentally, for the first time ever since we’ve been … Continue reading

Two Side Dishes That Make the Dinner

Are you a one dish Betty, preferring to schlop all of your vegetables, meat and potatoes in one casserole dish? Don’t get me wrong, casseroles have their place at our dinner table. They are quick, easy and can often be prepped ahead of time. On the other hand, it sets a certain mood to have dinner where there is one main meat and several delicious side dishes. These particular side dishes go well with anything, are fairly easy to prep and will complete your meal with a touch of elegance! Sauteed Spinach and Mushrooms You will need: 3 tablespoons butter … Continue reading